About the X4MIS Methodology

The X4MIS Methodology is based on the lessons learned from implementing change programmes across the globe. Based on decades of experience from change managers, change leaders, change teams and other key stakeholders X4MIS has developed a structured easy-to-use methodology—including a process, tools and best practices—which you can apply to projects while building your individual and organisational change management capabilities.

The X4MIS Methodology is a structured approach to enable the people side of change within delivering the overall organisational goals. Change managers can use the X4MIS Methodology as a core framework to guide change management strategies. The tools and best practices also enable increase adoption during the critical change projects and initiatives. 

Using the X4MIS Methodology

Planning, implementing, and troubleshooting change programmes are all made easier with the help of the X4MIS Change Management Methodology.  The articles within each function represent concepts & procedures that can be applied to any change initiative.  Articles don't reflect a specific law, rules, timeline nor sequence.

The methodology is not a 500-page guide from beginning to end; rather, it is a collection of tasks and procedures from which you can choose the right resources depending on the change initiative you are managing.  The X4MIS knowledge base will continue to grow and evolve as more contributors join X4MIS and share their ideas.

These contributions will guarantee that the X4MIS knowledge base are consistently updated with the most recent innovations and thought leadership in the change management field, leading to an increase in the number of change processes, procedures, and artefacts that will better serve the needs of your organisation's change initiatives.

The Functions for Change

Each function within the X4MIS Methodology is tailored and designed to fit the needs of anyone leading transformational change for their organisation. All articles have been researched and reviewed to fit the X4MIS standards, to ensure all visitors to our site, and readers of our content, are empowered to effectively delivery change.  Many articles are available within the methodology and posts with varying levels of content.  Change articles are all conveniently placed within our key process functions; -  Compose, Manage, Embed and Enable.

About the Compose Function

The compose function provides the procedures and tools required to evaluate and characterise each point of contact affecting a change initiative's success. The exercises listed serve as an introduction to the principle of composition.

We chose Compose because of the similarities to creating a symphony, create the outline, then plan the movements.  Develop the plan, encompassing within each movement the sonata, minuet, scherzo, and other change variations.  Then, you’re ready to deliver the change concert.

About the Manage Function

The manage function generates a detailed Change Implementation Plan starting in parallel and pulling together the outputs from the compose phase. You build the plan as your complete each compose activity.

The Change Implementation Plan will define the optimum approach to deliver the successful transformation, minimising the impact of the change, ensuring regular and effective communication is provided throughout the transformation and strategies are implemented to ensure the changes can be locked in for long term success.

This function also focuses on Managing the People. Identify and manage early adopters and resistors to foster a more sustainable, successful change.  Finding and managing those who support and are dedicated to the change is critical to promote the initiative concepts. The success of the transformation programme will be determined by the company's most precious asset: its people.

About the Embed Function

The embed function consolidates the achievements delivered in the earlier functions to lock in the new way of working. This function focuses on embedding the change into the culture of the organisation so it becomes “the way things are done around here.” It demonstrably links new success to new changes ensuring the entire organisation from the top down embodies the changes.

The on-going change management activities support the “new way of doing things” ensuring it is embed in business as usual ensuring the continuation of change, creating longevity within the business by applying concepts that will outlast the time spent learning them.

Embedding is about leadership and communication, without these two pillars, change is not effective into the future.  Sharing the stories, championing early adopters, applying lessons learned and building on the momentum to ensure success.

 About the Enable function

The enable function provides the tools and processes to deliver a successful change initiative.  It is primarily about setting up and enabling the change management team, ensuring the sponsor, change team, managers and employees have the competencies to thrive in a transformation environment.

Efficient and effective change management requires a team approach, however, sponsors and managers may not possess the competence or capacity to make sense of the complexity of the transformation.

Leadership during a transformation is significantly different from business as usual. The challenge is to rapidly build up new competencies quickly, following a balanced approach employing a mix of internal development of competencies and accessing of expertise from external sources.

Enabling the change team allows them to infiltrate various parts of the business to influence the business and to champion change from within.

Suggestions for content


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